மருத்துவச் சான்றின் அடிப்படையில் ஈட்டா விடுப்பு (Medical Leave) - அடிப்படை விதியில் திருத்தம் செய்து அரசாணை வெளியீடு!
Fundamental Rules - Grant of Uneamed leave on Medical Certificate — ‘Amendments to ‘Leave Procedure in the case of Government Servans’ under
GO. (Ms) No. 8, Personnel and Administrative
(F Rail) Reforms Depariment, Dated 1.12015.
In the Goverment Order read above, consolidated instructions regarding
the grant of Uneamed Leave on Medical Cerificate have been Issued,
In paragraphs 3 and 4 of the said order, ithas boen stated that these instructions
‘are to be included in the Tamil Nady Leave Rules, 1983 by way of emendment
to Rule 16 ofthe said rules and necessary amendments wil be ssved separataly
2. The Government have examined the above instructions for amending the
‘Tamil Nadu Leave Rules, 1933. The insvucton Issued under paragraph 3() ofthe
Government order read above has already been placed under rule 71 of
Fundamental Rules and placing the same rule again under Tamil Nadu Leave
Rules, 1833 is not necessary. Further, the other instructions issued under
Paragraph 3 ofthe Government order road above are relating to Leave Procedures
‘and therefore t Is decided to place them under the Rules made under
‘ule 74 - ‘Leave Procedure in the case of Government Servants’ under
‘Annexure I-Part- 1, in Appendix to the Fundamental Rules Instead of amending
ine 15 ofthe Tamil Nadu Leave Rules, 1933,
3. Accordingly, the folowing notfcation shall be published in the Tamil Nadu
In exercise of the powers confered by the proviso to Article 309 read with
‘Ale 313 of the Constiution of india and ofall ther powers hereunto enabing,
‘the Governor of ‘Tamil Nadu hereby makes the folowing amendments fo te
Fundamental Rules,
2. The amendments hereby made shall be deemed to have come into force
con the 19° January, 2015.
Click Here To Download - G.O 6 - Medical Leave Amendment - Pdf