2021-2022 ஆம் கல்வி ஆண்டிற்கான முன்னுரிமை அளிக்கப்பட்ட பாடத்திட்டங்கள் மற்றும் புத்தாக்க பயிற்சிக்கான கட்டகங்கள் (Modules) அனுப்புதல் (Soft Copy) சார்ந்து பள்ளிக் கல்வி ஆணையரின் செயல்முறைகள்!
The academic year for the School Education Department normally starts from the month of June and goes upto April of the next year. Total number of working days in a normal academic year will be 210, out of which t 136 are instructional days lactual transaction days). In the last academic year 2020-21, students had the minimum number of actual teaching learning days.
Despite the lock down and school closure, the School Education Department developed video lessons involving resourceful teachers with the support of District Institutes of Education and Training (DIETs) and they were telecast through Kalvi TV and other 9 TV Channels, 4 DTH Channels and 6 Cable TV networks. In spite of the quality interventions taken by the Government to ensure the learning of students, there may be some degree of learning loss as the normal teacher student interaction was not possible for the entire academic year.
Due to COVID 19 pandemic, the schools are not reopened in the month of June for the academic year 2021-22. Considering the gap in the normal classroom transaction, it in practically not possible for the students to cover all the portions designed for the entire academic year in the truncated academic year. Hence, SCERT has undertaken the exercise of prioritization of syllabus for all the classes from I-XII without compromising the coverage of all the learning outcomes as per the G.O. (MS) No. 126, School Education Department, Dated: 13.08.2021.
Based on the availability of transactional periods in the academic year 2021-22, the prioritization of syllabus is done for classes I-VIII at 50% -54% and for classes IX-XII, at 60% -65% and the prioritised syllabus is enclosed in Annexure 1. The topics of the prioritised syllabus should be communicated to schools by CEO The schools should be instructed that the examination will be conducted based on the prioritized syllabus only. The students who are aspiring for any competitive or other examination are advised to prepare themselves as per the syllabus of the examinations concerned.
The students of the last academic year (2020-2021) are promoted to the next higher class without having undergone any school based assessment or Board examination. To mitigate and bridge the learning loss of the students in the last academic year, SCERT has developed Refresher Course Module for the classes II-XII which covers the basic and important concepts based on critical learning outcomes of the previous classes.
For example Refresher Course Module of class IX contains the basic concepts pertaining upto class VII and all the important concepts pertaining to class VIII. It can be covered in 45 50 days time. After completion of this module in assessment based on the concepts of the Refresher Course Module can be conducted and based on the analysis of the assessment, reinforcement can be given wherever it requires and then the concepts pertaining to the current class can be taken by the teachers. Thus, it will enable the students to attain the required learning outcomes to facilitate the smooth transition from the previous class to current class In the 1 phase the soft copy of the Refresher Course Module for classes IX-XII is enclosed in Annexure II and all the CEOs should send it to all the schools without fail and should closely monitor the learning process.
1. Annexure 1- Soft copy of Prioritized syllabus for Classes 1-XII.
2. Annexure 2-Soft copy of Refresher Course Module for IX-XII.