TRB - BEO Revised Mark List - Asiriyar.Net

Thursday, December 23, 2021

TRB - BEO Revised Mark List


Publication of Computer Based Examination Revised Result

   As per Notification No. 13/2019, dated 27.11.2019, Teachers Recruitment Board conducted the Computer Based Examination for the Direct Recruitment for the post of Block Educational Officer from 14.02.2020 to 16.02.2020.

             42686 candidates appeared for Block Educational Officer Examinations. The Tentative Answer Keys were published on 20.02.2020 in the website of the Teachers Recruitment Board and representations, objections etc., were invited from the candidates up to 05.30 p.m on 26.02.2020. All the representations received within the stipulated time have been thoroughly examined by Subject Experts. After thorough scrutiny, revised and Final Answer Key has been arrived. Based on the revised key, candidate’s Computer Based Exam answer data has been valued and the normalized marks are calculated by following the procedure as mentioned in Notification Para 7 (iii), as examinations were conducted in multiple sessions for the same recruitment and normalized marks obtained by all the candidates who have appeared for examination are released along with the Final Answer Key on 27.01.2021.

             After the publication of results, various Writ Petitions are filed before the Hon’ble High Court. The Hon’ble High Court vide its order dated 27.02.2021 has disposed the Writ Petitions with the following directions.

            The normalized marks are calculated by following the procedure as mentioned in Notification Para 7 (iii), as examinations were conducted in multiple sessions for the same recruitment. Now, normalized marks obtained by all the candidates who have appeared for examination are hereby released along with the Final Answer Key.

            “A direction is issued to the respondents, more particularly, the second respondent herein to consider the representations submitted by the petitioners dated 01.02.2021 and 02.02.2021, if not already disposed of, and pass appropriate orders thereon, in accordance with law, after affording an opportunity of hearing to the petitioners and other persons, if any, who are likely to be affected, as expeditiously as possible, preferably within a period of one month from the date of receipt of a copy of this order. A decision on the representation shall be taken one week prior to the date of finalization of selection and the same shall be communicated to the petitioners.”

            The Board has complied with the orders passed by the Hon’ble High Court by considering the representation of the Petitioner and passed appropriate orders vide Proceedings No: 1074/E3/2018 dated 25.08.2021”.

            After the publication of results, the Board had received a representation regarding the translational error in Question No 52 of the examination held on 16.02.2020, A.N. The Board had constituted an expert Committee to decide the said issue. Based on the opinion of the expert committee, the Board had decided to revise the final key answer for the Question No. 52. Accordingly, the final key answer been revised as B/C (either B (or) C) is correct.

            Based on the revised key answer, all the answer sheets pertaining to the 16.02.2020 A.N have been re-valued and normalised marks of all candidates who attended the examination have also been calculated as per the procedure laid down in the recruitment notification para 7(iii) and the same is hereby released.

            Utmost care has been taken in preparing the provisional mark list and in publishing them. Teachers Recruitment Board reserves the right to correct any errors that may have crept in. Incorrect list will not confer any right of enforcement.

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